Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birhtday Olivia!!!

On Monday January 7, 2008 at 10:30 am, we went to Dr. Krisch to go over the blood and urine test. I had lost 3 pounds since I went on bed rest, weighing in at 164. My blood pressure was still high and there was so much protein in my urine that they were worried. They checked my cervix and I was still not dilated and I also had a step B test. My blood pressure went down a little after lying on my side for awhile so they let me go home to continue my bed rest. Later that day @ 1:30 we had an appointment with Dr. Barsoom for an ultra sound to check on the baby. Since she had little fluid around her, the cord was wrapped around her neck and the placenta had little blood flow to it, they decided that she was better off outside the womb. So we were rushed over to labor and delivery for a c section. Dr. Krisch delivered her at 3:48pm. Olivia was so tiny, only 3 pounds and 9 ounces. She cried as so as she came out. Everyone was so amazed at how much hair she had and how long she was, 17 and ½ inches.

It only took 12 days for Olivia to break the 4 pound mark and to hold her body temperature, so that she could come home. Olivia left her NICU home on January 19, 2008. We were so excited to take her home, especially since they had estimated that her stay in the NICU would be around 6 weeks. This just proves how strong willed Olivia is.

Today on Olivia's first birthday she weighs almost 17 pounds and is over 27 inches tall. She is crawling all over the place and is close to walking by herself. Olivia loves to dance and give kisses, especially to her mommy and her little friend Parker. We are so excited to spend this special day with Olivia. Happy Birthday Olivia!!! We are so proud of her and love her so much. We can't wait to see her continue to learn and grow. We love you Olivia!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thanksgiving in Arizona

Thanksgiving with the Sellers Family!

Back to Blogging! It has been a bit since the last posting . . . but that is because we have been busy having so much fun.

Thanksgiving was spent in beautiful Arizona with Brad's family celebrating two holidays at once while we had everyone together. It was a full house, and a great time to have a lot of fun. Olivia had a blast being around so many little cousins and held her own playing with all the toys at Grandma and Grandpa's house. While in Arizona we celebrated Thanksgiving and had a great meal with all the trimmings!

Thanksgiving fun wasn't done at the end of the meal though . . . that night, in anticipation of all the Black Friday deals, Brad and I went to the Disney Store to get some holiday deals for Olivia's first Christmas. Getting Brad to go to the store at midnight for little disney toys shows REAL love!

Later in the week, on Saturday we had a great get together with all of Brad's cousins and family. It was really cool, . . . a Carnival themed party, music, games, and food, that all the kids and adults alike had fun and games to keep them busy. It was a lot of planning and work, but between Brad's Mom and siblings, everything ran great.

To end the trip, the day that we were flying back to Omaha, . . . Brad's good friend that practices law in Arizona was able to meet him in Phoenix and be his sponsor for admission to the United States District Court in the District of Arizona. It was a proud moment to see Brad sworn in by the Federal Judge (since his admission to Arizona state courts was by letter).

We had a lot of fun, but not a lot of time. Hopefully next trip there will be a lot more time to see friends. We hope that everyone is well and happy!